Data Structure

What is Array List?


What is Array List?

  • Array List is a data structure that implements the list using an array.
  • Sequential Structure

    • stores data in order.


Structure of Array List

  • Data is stored within the node.
    • Multiple data can be stored.
  • Every element has its own address.
    • So, the address of a particular element can be calculated.


Advantage of Array List

  • It takes O(1) to find a data in a particular location.
    • It is fast to access certain data using indexes.
  • Random access is possible, it’s easy to access nth element.
  • Memory is allocated in contiguous memory location for its data.
    • It’s possible to avoid memory overflow or shortage of memory.
  • It is simple to implement.

Disadvantage of Array List

  • The size of the array is fixed.
    • When the array is full, it’s not possible to add new data.
    • Therefore, an array of larger sizes than the number of data to be stored must be created, which is a waste of memory space.
    • If the array is smaller than the number of data to be stored, it can cause problems.
  • The time complexity of adding and deleting data is O(N).

Operations for Array List


  • If we simply add new data, add the data from the left side of the array sequentially.
  • However, if new data is added where the data already exists, all existing data must be moved.
    • Move the data on the right first.



  • The data on the right can be easily removed.
  • However, if we remove the data in the middle, we have to fill in the empty space.


Get Data

  • We can easily find it by using the location of the data we want to find.


