Data Structure

What is Array Stack?


What is Stack and How it works?

  • Stack is a sequential structure that store data linearly.
  • The order is LIFO(Last-In, First-Out).
  • Adding and removing data is done in the top of the stack.
  • Stack can be thought of as a vertical structure.



Structure of Array Stack

  • Array Stack is implemented using array.
  • Array Stack has top.
    • The insertion and deletion of data occurs in the top.


Advantage of Array List

  • It takes O(1) to get the element in the array.

Disadvantage of Array List

  • The size of the array is fixed, so you cannot insert more elements than the size of the array.
    • Resize is required when larger size array is needed.
  • The empty space cannot be filled when the front moves ahead.

Operations for Array Stack

  • Calculate the top using the variable curretCount.


  • The new data is inserted into the location of top + 1.
    • The location index of the top can be found by the variable currentCount.
    • CurrentCount is a variable that means the current number of nodes.
    • Top = currentCount - 1
  • Therefore, the location index where the new data will be inserted is the currentCount.
  • If currentCount is equal to maxCount, the stack is full.
  • After inserting the data, increase the number of nodes by 1.
    • currentCount++;
// Insert new data into the top.
pStack->pData[pStack->currentCount].data = data;
// Increase the variable currentCount indicating the current number of nodes.



  • Remove the node on the Top.
    • The location of the top is currentCount - 1.
  • After removing the node in the top, reduce the number of nodes by 1.
    • currentCount–;
// Set the node to return.
pReturn->pData = pStack->pData[pStack->currentCount - 1]
// Decrease the variable currentCount indicating the current number of nodes.



  • Peek only returns the node in the top without removing it.
  • Returns the node located in the Top.
    • Top = curretCount-1.
pReturn = &(pStack->pData[queue->currentCount - 1]);


