Data Structure

What is a Tree ?


Data Structure Tree

What is a Tree ?

  • A tree is a collection of node made up of hierarchical structures.
    • Parent-Child relationship
    • The next node can be multiple, but the previous node must be one.

What is an Edge?

  • A line that connects between nodes. The edge is used to indicate a parent-child relationship.

Type of Node

Node that are distinguished by the position of nodes in the tree.

  • Root node - First node in the tree
  • Leaf node - node without a child node.
  • Internal node - node with child node

Node that are distinguished by the relationship between nodes in the tree.

  • Parent node - node connected directly above the child node
  • Child node - node connected to the bottom of a node
  • Ancestor node - all nodes in the path from the parent node to the root node
  • Descendant node - all child nodes associated with one node
  • Sibling node - node with the same parent node


Root and Edge


Internal node and Leaf node


Parent, child and Sibling node


Descendant and Ancestor node


Term of Node

Terms of node

  • Level - Distance from root node
  • Height - The number of edges on the longest downward path between the root and a leaf
  • Degree - Number of child nodes a node has


Example of Level

  1. Because A is the root node, Level 1
  2. Because B and C are 1 distance from the root node, Level 2
  3. Because D,E,F, and G are 2 distance from the root node, Level 3
  4. Because H is 3 distance from the root node, Level 4


Example of Height

  1. Because H has no children, Height 1
  2. Because E,F, and G also have no children, Height 1
  3. Because D and C have 1 edge to the furthest node, Height 2
  4. Because B has 2 edges to the furthest node H, Height 3
  5. Because A has 3 edges to the furthest node H, Height 4


Example of Degree

  1. H,E,F, and G have no children, Degree is 0
  2. D has one child H, Degree is 1.
  3. B and C have 2 children, Degree is 2.
  4. A has 2 children, Degree is 2.



  • All nodes below a particular node form a left or right subtree.

    • The subtree on the left becomes ‘left subtree’
    • The subtree on the right becomes the “right subtree”
