Data Structure

What is a Graph and types of Graphs


About data structure Graph and its types

What is Graph?

  • A graph is a set of nodes and edges.
    • G =(V,E)
  • Graphs are non-linear data structures.

Difference between Tree and Graph


Characteristic of tree

  • Root node exists
  • The node except the root node is divided into subtrees.
  • The tree extends downward.
  • The tree must be connected.
  • There is no loop.

Characteristic of graph

  • The vertices on the graph can be connected to different vertices.
  • You can set weights for the edge.
  • Edges may or may not have direction.


Term of Graph


  • Vertex - In the graph, each node represents a vertex.
  • Edge - Edge means a line that connects two vertices.


  • Adjacency - If two vertices are connected through a edge, the two vertices are adjacent.
  • Path - The path is the sequence of the edges connecting the two vertices.

    • Path length - The number of edges that consisting a path.
      • Path length of ABDE = 3
    • Simple path - If the nodes that consisting a path do not have the same node, it’s called a simple path.
    • Cycle - If the starting node and the last node of the path are the same, it is called a cycle.
    • Acyclic - Has no cycles.


  • Degree - The number of edges connected to the vertex.
    • In Directed graph
      • In-degree - The number of edges entering the node.
      • Out-degree - The number of edges leaving the node.
  • Loop - When there is a edge from a node to itself, it’s called a loop.


Types of Graphs

  • Undirected graph
    • Graph witout directoin on the edges connecting nodes.
    • We can move the two nodes in both directions.
    • The edge can be expressed in (Vi,Vj) or (Vj,Vi).



  • Directed graph

    • Graph with direction on the edges connecting nodes
    • It is only possible to move in a specific direction on both nodes.
    • The edge can be expressed in (Vi,Vj).



  • Weighted graph

    • A graph with weights on the edges connecting nodes.
    • It is also called a network.


  • Complete graph

    • A graph in which all vertices on a graph are connected 1:1.
    • All nodes are connected to each other, so there is no edge to add.
    • It has the maximum number of connectable edges.

      • Max number of edges
      • Undirected graph: n(n-1) / 2, n = number of nodes.
      • Directed graph: n(n-1)


  • Multi graph

    • Several edges are connected between the two vertices.


  • Sub-graph

    • A graph created by excluding some edges from the original graph.
    • A graph whose vertices and edges are subsets of original graph.
    • G2 is a sub-graph of G1.


  • Connected graph

    • A graph in which it’s possible to get from every vertex to every other vertex through edges.


  • Disconnected graph

    • If at least two vertices of the graph are not connected by a edge, it is a disconnected graph.
